For seniors
As a senior, there are several different types of housing for you to choose from. On this page you can read more about the different types of housing options and the requirements to apply to them.
Different types of housing options for seniors
Apartments with increased accessibility
Today, many apartments are built with high accessibility standards in mind. This means, for example, that there may be a lift, a more spacious bathroom, or wide doors. The thresholds are low and there are no obstacles in the apartment or in the surrounding areas.
Who can apply for apartments with increased accessibility?
Anyone can apply for apartments with increased accessibility, regardless of age.
Apartments with increased accessibility External link.
Senior housing (Seniorbostad)
Senior housing External link. (Seniorbostad) is housing with high accessibility standards adapted for older people. There is often a common room close to the apartments and they are often located close to services and health centres. There is no staff included in senior housing. You can apply for in-home services
External link. or any other municipal service via Växjö municipality.
Who can apply for senior housing?
Senior housing is primarily offered to people over the age of 70 and secondarily to people over the age of 55. If there is no demand for senior housing in these age groups, we extend the offer to younger age groups from oldest to youngest. Therefore, it is possible for anyone to apply for senior housing.
Senior housing (Seniorbostad) External link.
Assisted living facilities (Trygghetsboende)
An assisted living facility External link. (Trygghetsboende) is an apartment with high accessibility. In an assisted living facility, there are common areas and a building manager on site. This does not include in-home care services. If you are in need of in-home care services, you can apply via Växjö municipality
External link..
The municipal housing company Vidingehem rents out assisted living facilities in Ingelstad. These apartments are published on Boplats when they are available.
Who can apply for assisted living facilities?
Anyone age 65 or older can apply for assisted living facilities.
Assisted living facilities External link.
Nursing homes
When you can no longer live in your home due to increased care needs, you can apply to move to a nursing home. You can apply on Växjö municipality's website External link. or via phone at 0470-410 00.
Join the queue at Boplats Växjö
The first step is to join the housing queue. Via Boplats Växjö you apply for housing with increased accessibility, senior housing and assisted living facilities.
More information on how to join the housing queue.
Finding housing for seniors
To see available housing and to submit your interest:
- Bostad
External link. (Apartments with increased accessibility)
- Seniorbostad
External link. (Senior housing)
- Trygghetsboende
External link. (Assisted living facilities)
Boplats Växjö
Visiting address
Växjö municipality contact center
Norra Järnvägsgatan 7, Växjö
Opening hours
Monday - Friday
07.30 - 16.30