For young adults
Vidingehem offers housing for young adults, or "ungdomsbostad". These apartments are located in Växjö on Emil Lindells väg 18A and B as well as on Vänortsvägen 6E and F.
You can apply for young adult housing from the age of 18 until the year you turn 26. As usual, you apply through Boplats Växjö and the person with the most queue points in the required age range gets the apartment.
If there is no demand for housing in the 18-26 age group, the offer is extended to the 27-30 age group and the persoin with the most queue points gets the apartment.
To submit an application for young adult housing, you must be at least 18 years old. You can submit up to five applications at a time.
Available young adult apartments External link.
How to submit an application
- Log in to "My pages"
External link.
- Select the apartment you are interested in from the list of available apartments (ungdomsbostad)
External link..
- Click on the "Intresseanmäl" (Apply) button and fill in your information.
- The top six applicants with the highest number of queue points will be invited to a viewing. The apartment is then offered in order from the applicant with the highest amount of queue points to the lowest.
- If you accept an apartment offer and sign a lease, you will only need to "spend" as many queue points as the person behind you in the queue has.
A total of 65 young adult apartments will be available. Vidingehem has already published nine young adult apartments and the rest will be published gradually.
Boplats Växjö
Visiting address
Växjö municipality contact center
Norra Järnvägsgatan 7, Växjö
Opening hours
Monday - Friday
07.30 - 16.30