Housing queue

To submit an application for a property, you must first create an account. You will begin collecting queue points as soon as you register. You get one queue point for each day you are in the queue. The housing queue costs 100 SEK per year from the year you turn 20. You can register from the year you turn 17.


In order to submit an application, you must be at least 18 years old. You can submit up to five applications at a time.

You can find available apartments under the "Bostad" category. External link.

How to submit an application

  1. Log in to "My Pages" External link.
  2. Select the available apartment External link. you are interested in.
  3. Click on "Intresseanmäl" (Apply) and fill in your details.
  4. The six applicants with the most queue points will be invited to a viewing of the apartment and are then offered the apartment in order from highest to lowest points.
  5. If you accept an apartment offer and sign a lease, you will spend as many queue points as are required. That is, you will use up as many queue points as the person behind you in the queue has.

Different rules apply to students. Read more about the Student housing queue.

Terms and conditions

Receive notifications about apartments and neighborhoods that match your preferences

You can select your preferred types of apartments and neighborhoods by log in to "My pages" External link. clicking on "My applications", then "Subscriptions" and then selecting the housing queue you want add or change preferences in. When an apartment that matches your preferences becomes available, you will automatically receive a notification via e-mail. If you have not entered an e-mail address, you will need to log in to "My pages" External link. to see your notifications.

My pages

On "My pages" External link. you can see your current number of queue points, edit your profile and accesss your notification settings. You can also submit applications, see your previous applications and accept or decline the offers you receive.

Corporate customers

To facilitate new recruitment, companies are able rent apartments which can then be temporarily sublet to new employees. To register your company in the queue, please contact Boplats Växjö via telephone at 0470-73 47 00 or via e-mail at boplats@vaxjo.se


  • Boplats Växjö

    0470 - 73 47 00



    Visiting address

    Växjö municipality contact center

    Norra Järnvägsgatan 7, Växjö


    Opening hours

    Monday - Friday

    07.30 - 16.30

Senast uppdaterad: 7 January 2025